Here's the Tea: What you need to know if your catalytic converter is stolen


Lara Rivera, Photographer

Possessor of Jerry'southward Precision Muffler in Corvallis, Ore., Donald Jackson, holds a display catalytic converter in his shop. Jackson saw an increase in catalytic converter theft starting time in mid-2020.

Editor'south Notation: This column does not represent the opinion of The Daily Barometer. This column reflects the personal opinions of the writer.

The stereotype of higher students having $40 in their banking concern accounts often holds a kernel of truth.

Which is why when an orange "bank check engine" light turned on in my dashboard, information technology was exactly what I did not need. Apparently, Prius cars do not have any sort of invisibility cloak which can hibernate them from a catalytic converter thievery.

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Catalytic converter thefts accept seen a pretty dramatic increase in Corvallis, Ore., according to Lieutenant Gabe Sapp of the Corvallis Police Department, from 11 reported thefts in 2020 to 99 reported thefts in 2021 beyond 93 cases, with residents continuing to see the effects of this increment in theft.

This is despite Senate Bill 803 which went into effect in Oregon on Jan. one.​​ The bill was created in response to the sudden rise of catalytic converter thefts and prohibits bit metal businesses from buying or selling catalytic converters except from the commercial seller or owner of the vehicle from which the converter was taken.

Lieutenant Ryan Eaton with the CPD explained the effects of SB 803 on catalytic converter theft.

"Instead of attacking the theft in progress, they are attacking the market," Eaton said.

Co-ordinate to Donald Jackson, the owner of Jerry's Precision Muffler, catalytic converters are devices used in cars which convert toxic exhaust gasses and pollutants into less harmful byproducts like water in the form of steam and carbon dioxide. Converters accept a honeycomb mechanism in them that tin be heated more than 400 degrees, which triggers the chemic reaction that cleans the gasses with the metals in them.

Mill-made catalytic converters comprise a few grams of the rare metal rhodium, Jackson said. In 2020, rhodium was priced at about $eight,000 to $ix,500 an ounce. In Apr 2021, he said the price for an ounce of rhodium skyrocketed to approximately $28,000.

Jackson saw an increase in catalytic converter thefts starting in mid-2020 when he had to replace a  stolen catalytic converter for the outset time since inheriting his family unit'south business in 2019.

Reckoner-operated cars have sensors on the catalytic converter that tin make the cheque engine light become on when it is stolen.

Another indication that a catalytic converter was stolen from a car is soot and smoke coming out of the engine, because information technology might have rich input, or likewise much fuel, according to Jackson. This indicates that the gas is not being burned optimally. Every bit a result, the car may have a drop in mileage and need more than frequent maintenance, such as replacing spark plugs more frequently.

The most common cars Jackson sees fall victim to this burglary are Prius cars, motorhomes and shipping vehicles similar U-Booty trucks. Catalytic converters in Prius cars contain a lot of valuable elements to reduce the carbon footprint and make them as environmentally friendly as a gas vehicle can be, Jackson said. Motorhomes and shipping trucks have bigger engines and typically move a lot of weight, which calls for a bigger catalytic converter.

Replacing catalytic converters is non a cheap task, co-ordinate to Jackson. Obtaining and installing a catalytic converter could cost up to $3,000 for Prius cars.

Information technology is not legal to drive without i, either. Ever since Congress passed the Make clean Air Act of 1970 to address growing concern about air pollution, every street-car manufactured afterwards 1975 has been required to take a catalytic converter.

Eaton expects theft rates will decrease in Corvallis, as information technology would still have at least a few-hours bulldoze to reach a state where catalytic converters can exist sold without whatever regulations.

Law have a very small window of time to catch the thief in the act of stealing a catalytic converter, which is unusual, according to Eaton.

In calorie-free of the ascent of catalytic converter thefts, and the challenge to be in the correct place at the correct time, Eaton said the CPD encourages those who have had their catalytic converters stolen to report the criminal offence. The reported crimes provide data that allows the CPD to track the locations and times of when the crimes happen.

"We do try to make educated decisions about where we will patrol, what time of the twenty-four hours and what location based off of that information," Eaton said.

Eaton suggests that the best manner to prevent catalytic converter theft is parking inside, using motility lights and keeping the auto in line of sight if possible.

The CPD also offers a plan chosen Security Camera Registration and Mapping, a program where residents with security cameras can volunteer to inform the constabulary nigh their camera in case a criminal offence happens in the neighborhood. This catalyzes the investigation procedure, but it does not give the law command over the cameras.

If security cameras or SCRAM are not appealing, practice not worry. Not all hope is lost. Jackson noted catalytic converter shields, also called Cat shields, tin provide an actress layer of protection for our cars' catalytic converters. These shields range from uncuttable wire cages, to a literal piece of stainless steel that would cover the catalytic converter. Although these are priced in the hundreds, information technology is better than having to spend thousands of dollars in replacing a catalytic converter.

 "If you take one of the vehicles where your converter is worth a lot, look into a Cat shield," Jackson said.

Fortunately, my Prius did have the hotrod, roaring sound, and my sensors just accept wear-and-tear. For anyone who does accept a catalytic converter-related problem (and it was not your own doing), here's my 2 cents: Report it to the CPD equally before long as you notice out, contact your insurance and support your local muffler store. Mechanics such every bit Jackson volition be very cooperative, and eager to aid yous go the best deal for your situation.